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Supporting turf programs that create premier golfing experiences


The demand for faster rolling greens and firm and fast fairways has stressed golf course turf to the max. A healthy root system is more essential than ever for grass to survive at the low mowing heights now demanded on golf course turf. Roots need water and oxygen to thrive and grow.


Fairway Aerification/Clean-Up
Fairways benefit from core aeration. Surface compaction caused by golf carts, equipment and heavy foot-traffic severely restricts water penetration, resulting in excessive runoff. Core aeration opens up the surface for better water infiltration, helps promote thatch breakdown and creates a seedbed for overseeding.


Deep Tine
Deep tine aerification encourages deeper rooting for greater wear tolerance, weed control and disease resistance.


Fairway Topdressing
Fairway topdressing promotes a smoother playing surface, more upright growth of the grass plants, and aids in thatch control.

Supporting top tier turf programs.
Call us today and let us help you find what you're looking for.
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